Monday, 14 April 2014

This is my favourite piece of writing in Term 1.

In the playground I feel a cilly breeze and I can feel the cold wood on my skin. I can hear kids talking and stones clashing together. I can hear the choking wind on my face. I can see the still playground siting peacefully on this foggy day.


In science we are making a rainbow in a test tube. 

Monday, 7 April 2014

Spelling city

I like spelling city because it helps me with me learning and it has fun games.

Maths graphs

We are learning about graphs and we are working on it on Pic collage.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Inquiry : 3.4.14.

Play ground

In this story I worked on using interesting sentences with joiners and correct capitals and full stops.

In the play ground I feel a chilly breeze and I can feel the cold wood on my skin. I can hear people talking and stones clashing together. I can hear the choking wind wind on my face. I can see the play ground sitting peacefully on this foggy day.